Two Player "Power Plant" HAAM Fundrasier

Surprise! Our new album Power Plant is here and ready for you to stream. Almost. Will you help us raise $3,250 for the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians - HAAM, an organization that has kept us and many thousands of other Austin-based musicians healthy and insured and able to work as full-time musicians? 

Once we get to that dollar amount with your donations, we’ll shoot our new album Power Plant onto all streaming platforms for your listening convenience. 

HAAM Fundraiser GoFundMe

Click the link above to make a donation and help us raise some money for HAAM, and get this album to you as fast as possible. The songs rip. They are massive riff monsters. The grooves weigh one thousand pounds and the guitar solos carry the electric force of a lightning bolt. 

Donated but still want to "tip" Two Player? We'd love the support! Tip The Band (via PayPal)